Menjelaskan Bab Kalam bahasa Inggris

On this occasion, allow me here to deliver About Al-Kalam

الكلام هو اللفظ المركب المفيد بالوضع

 Al Kalam this is a sentence, and the sentence must be :

1.First Allafdzu, allafdzu this is word,a groups of letters

 2.The second al-kalam must be murokab, and the meaning of Murokab Is the group of words

3.And the thirth Al kalam must be Mufid, and the mufid meaning is full sentences

4. and the last Al Kalam must be Wadho, and the meaning of Wadho is Al Kalam must be follow the gramatikal of Arabic 

واقسمه ثلاثه اسم وفعل وحرف جاء لمعنى

The part of sentenence,there are three categories :

1.The first ismun or noun

2.and the second Fi'lun or verb 

3.and the last,harfun ja lima'nan or letters that  comes  by meaning

فالاسم يعرف بالخفض والتنوين ودخول الالف واللام

The noun can be indentified by five


1.The first by khofad or preposition

2.And the second by Tanwin 

3.And the three,entering Alif and lam at the firts

وحروف الخفض وهي من والى وعن وعلاء وفي وربّ والباء والكاف واللام

the composisition of proposition is

1.من (from)









وحروف القسم وهي الواو والباء والتاء

4.and the four,noun can be identified by entering Kosam letters,the meaning of Kosam is,Swear word,and the composition of Kosam letters is:




 and whe these three letters become kosam letters it means an oath

والفعل يعرف بقد والسين وسوف والتاءالتأنيث السكينة 

The verb can be indentified by four :

1.the the first by Qod letter (قد)

2. And the second by Sin letter (س)

3.And the three by Saufa letter (سوف)

4. And the last, by Ta'tanis Which sukun (تْ)

والحرف ما لا يصله معه دليل الاسم ولا دليل الفعل 

 And letters can be identified,if a sentence does not have isim and fi'il characteristics.

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